The prescription of a powered mobility device creates freedom and quality of life for end users who would otherwise be reliant on others, whether it be for mobility or the completion of functional tasks. The market is flooded with a wide variety of power mobility solutions. So where do you start when comparing power wheelchair options? What information helps you decipher the options available, helping to justify the choice of product you and your client have decided on post-trial?

This hands-on interactive training day allows you to gain a deeper understanding of specific power wheelchair features that you can compare and prescribe to enhance the functional outcomes of power wheelchair users. The day will cover:

- Introduction to the assessment processes required to set functional outcome goals for powered mobility - Gain a better understanding of power wheelchair features to assist in refining prescription processes which will assist in reaching therapeutic outcomes - Develop a clinical pathway of assessment and prescription to ensure we are not “overprescribing”. - Understand the adaptability of power wheelchairs that can be tweaked to improve function - Trial a range of specialized powered features available and the impact they have on functional outcomes - Trial a variety of base configurations to determine the impact of “ride quality” in the prescription process - Decipher “off-road mobility” from “outdoor mobility” and the impact this has on features prescribed in the power wheelchair base.

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